Weekends on the road: The ultimate travel guide to the USA and Canada
To travel in North America is to face a delicious quandary: over these vast spaces with so many riches, from glittering cities to eccentric small towns and heart-stoppingly beautiful mountains and plains, how to experience as much as possible in limited time? The New York Times has the answer, and has been offering up dream weekends with practical itineraries in its popular weekly “36 Hours” column for over a decade. And since 2011, starting with the publication of 36 Hours: USA & Canada, TASCHEN has been collecting these stories into best-selling books, organized continent by continent.
Now, after compiling volumes on Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world, editor Barbara Ireland has come home, with a fully revised and updated second edition of 36 Hours: USA & Canada.* Marquee metropolises like New York, Montreal, and Los Angeles; world-famous natural wonders at Niagara Falls and the Grand . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE